"O dia d' hoje pertence-me"
de tradução de um poema de
Jerry Reed Hubbard (20.3.37-1.9.2008) datado de 1968
Jerry Reed Hubbard (20.3.37-1.9.2008) datado de 1968
dia d´ hoje pertence-me!
manhã, ao aparecer do sol
tempo p´ro ver subir
ver o seu encanto a contrastar com o cinzento céu
quão insignificantes meus problemas pareciam ser e que sorte ter mais um dia
que me pertence!»
Enquanto o ensonado mundo à minha volta acordava para saudar o dia
a beleza do sol parecia sussurrar:
está o problema, amigo, se todos os teus sonhos ainda não foram realizados?»
atento ao que te rodeia! Tens um dia inteiro para tentar!
O dia de hoje pertence-me, posso fazer o que dele m´apetecer
A minha taça especial para eu encher
Morrer um pouco, mas aprender a viver
A tirar da vida o que posso dar
O dia de hoje pertence-me!
3. Como a maior parte dos humanos
Odeio o vazio do presente
Acelero os pensamentos p´ra depois de amanhã
Imagino tempos mais doces
Mas ao viver este dia que me acompanha
Percebo quão insensato tenho sido
Afinal, hoje é o único jardim que tenho para cuidar!
dizia o grande poeta alemão Goethe ao escrever uma carta de amor à sua namorada
«Se tivesse mais tempo, dir-te-ia menos!
de 174 palavras
Abril de 2016
Today Is Mine
When the sun came up this morning I took the time to watch it rise.
As its beauty struck the darkness from the skies.
I thought how small and unimportant all my troubles seem to be,
And how lucky another day belongs to me.
And as the sleepy world around me woke up to greet the day,
And all its silent beauty seemed to say:
So what, my friend, if all your dreams you haven't realized.
Look around, you got a whole new day to try.
Today is mine, today is mine, to do with what I will.
Today is mine. My own special cup to fill.
To die a little that I might learn to live.
And take from life that I might learn to give.
Today is mine.
With all men I curse the present that seems void of peace of mind,
And race my thoughts beyond tomorrow and vision there more peace of mind.
But when I view the day around me I can see the fool I've been.
For today is the only garden we can tend.
Today is mine, today is mine, to do with what I will.
Today is mine. My own special cup to fill.
To die a little that I might learn to live.
And take from life that I might learn to give.
Today is mine.
Today Is Mine
When the sun came up this morning I took the time to watch it rise.
As its beauty struck the darkness from the skies.
I thought how small and unimportant all my troubles seem to be,
And how lucky another day belongs to me.
And as the sleepy world around me woke up to greet the day,
And all its silent beauty seemed to say:
So what, my friend, if all your dreams you haven't realized.
Look around, you got a whole new day to try.
Today is mine, today is mine, to do with what I will.
Today is mine. My own special cup to fill.
To die a little that I might learn to live.
And take from life that I might learn to give.
Today is mine.
With all men I curse the present that seems void of peace of mind,
And race my thoughts beyond tomorrow and vision there more peace of mind.
But when I view the day around me I can see the fool I've been.
For today is the only garden we can tend.
Today is mine, today is mine, to do with what I will.
Today is mine. My own special cup to fill.
To die a little that I might learn to live.
And take from life that I might learn to give.
Today is mine.
About 228words
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